This is an IT-related blog – not for everyone…
I’m a software developer/engineer and wish to use this blog to write about topics that I think is interesting – and at the same time can be conveyed to a broader audience. I have never professionally worked too much with front end, HTML/CSS and such topics. This field has evolved a lot over the years so I also created this site, to force myself to learn new things. It’s based on Word Press, so it’s a safe choice.
Creating this blog is a way for me to learn more about web-development. Both on the front-end and the back-end sides, it opens up possibilities for me to experiment with (e.g. NGINX-configuration, reverse proxy and load balancing). This is only a sparetime project though so don’t expect too much…
The blog-universe competition is tough and it takes an incredibly effort to obtain a large number of readers and make everything professional. It is however not a goal in itself, to attract many readers – I created this blog website, to learn new things…
Consider subscribing to the RSS-feed, if you like the content
If you like the blog posts I write and because I most likely won’t ever publish more than 1 blog post per month, consider downloading a browser extension such as “Feedbro” and set it up so it subscribes to the RSS-feed as seen below:
This way you’ll easily see new content, after it’s published without manually having to visit the webpage to check for updates…
Anything else to mention…
I’m not sure where this ends. I’m incredibly bad at writing everything so the “SEO-score” and “Readability Score” is high or good enough – so this is something I’ll try to improve over time. If you don’t know what I mean by that, it’s because I’ve installed this “Yoast SEO for WordPress”-plugin – see what the fuzz is about here: and – I read the traffic-counter statistics, when I post something new and I’m also evaluating what I can do to improve the web traffic stats, with reasonable means (and time)…
The majority of my visitors were initially mostly hostile / “bad actors” but after I’ve published some blog posts this seems to have changed a bit for the better. Around one third to almost one half of the readers are from the US, around one fourth is from Scandinavia where I live and the rest is from China, Russia, Asia or not worth talking about…
Write to me, if you have ideas/suggestions/feedback…
If you’ve found this website useful and have any good suggestions, recommendations/ideas for improvement etc, I’ve added the possibility of writing to me. Either as comments to blog posts or also do feel free to contact me via the contact form. To avoid spam, anything entered as a comment will not immediately be visible. Comments have to to be manually approved and this could probably typical take up to maybe around 1-2 weeks (sorry about that but I just don’t check for updates every day).
Latest posts:
- Using Clonezilla expert mode and sfdisk for replacing a ~1 TB disk with a ~240 GB disk
- More sporadic blog posts in the future, unfortunately – but still alive…
- How to get (setup and run) a totally free hosted email server in the cloud?
- Introduction to keyboard ergonomics (mostly for people typing +6 hours a day on a keyboard)
- Why and how I use KVM over IP with the BliKVM-box, based on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4
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