
More sporadic blog posts in the future, unfortunately – but still alive…

Background intention: To publish once per month

When I started this blog some months ago I had a few ideas about topics I at least “quickly” could write about, if I suddenly became too busy with other things and didn’t have enough time to come up with a good topic to write about. The past month or a bit more has been months where I haven’t had much free sparetime available. I’ve realized that I cannot come up with enough high-quality content every month and I (at least currently) don’t want to write blog posts, just for writing them – it must provide some value and be useful to people reading it – and not just something copy/pasted from another website.

I have a lot of side-projects going on and many of them are projects I never fully complete and therefore doesn’t make sense to write about – and other side-projects are just very very long-term, like the whole Proxmox-/pfSense story is one that never fully ends. I have many IT-related skills I want to improve, but for those of you working with IT, you probably know it takes a lot of time to become good at something. Getting good ideas for meaningful blog posts and writing everything down with screenshots/illustrations, including relevant references etc is a slow process and it always takes me longer than I imagined.

I have ideas about writing about k3s/k8s, my running docker-containers and and cyber-security (hacking/cracking) in the future but my cyber-sec experience comes from particular CTF-competitions and perhaps it’s best if I can generalize it instead of doing write-up(s) for particular challenges. No matter what, I can see that having the blog, maintaining it and writing posts is rather time-consuming.

Future intention: To publish less and still keep the quality

I’ve therefore decided that future posts will be less frequent – more sporadic – than my original goal of publishing 1 blog post per month (that’s impossible as I see it). Lately I’ve had focus on job interviews and I’ll also change job/career from first of June, so that probably will take some extra time and energy – furthermore in July/August I’m usually away, travelling in Europe/UK for almost 3 weeks and with 3 weeks out of the calendar around July/August, it’ll be almost impossible to also develop a new blog post of decent quality. Hence this explanation.

My future goal is not to post a blog post every month (as I earlier communicated, e.g. in comments), but hopefully at least once every second or third month (no promises, cannot guarantee anything). The good thing is that with the RSS-feed-subscription-method mentioned at, the section “Consider subscribing to the RSS-feed, if you like the content” tells what to do, to automatically get updates when new posts are written (the bad thing is that search engines doesn’t like if I don’t update frequently, leading to less readers, but that’s just how it has to be for a one-man hobby project)…


Thanks for reading this – the blog website is not dead, just because it’ll be updated less than every month going forward – I just also have to focus on other things, like having a life and my daily job (soon a new job) and soon summer holiday. I also appreciate all the good comments below the blog posts, it makes me want to continue writing once in a while – thanks a lot for that!

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